Getting Morning Sunlight Improved My Sleep, Here’s Why You Should Start Too. Simple habits that you do every day could be game changers in terms of improving your health. Having sunlight in the first hour of the morning is just one of the most effective ways to improve your health.

As someone who has worked in the field of health and wellness for a while, I’m often tempted to think I’m aware of everything there is to be aware of to remain healthy. When I realised that I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious but not being able to benefit myself, I realised I needed to seek out a skilled person in order to find alternative methods to reduce anxiety.

If you, too, suffer from anxiety, you’re aware of how much destruction it can cause to sleeping. Personally, I have no problem falling asleep. It’s the problem with staying asleep. I wake up often late at night with thoughts racing about all the things I need to accomplish. I’d taken care of everything “right” to manage anxiety, such as the reduction of my coffee intake, intentional breathing, meditation and eating healthy meals. Although I noticed a small improvement, the outcome was not long-lasting. I talked to Andrea Micheo, a certified holistic health coach with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in order to discover solutions to anxiety that are natural..

In our first meeting in person, I walked with her on the beach after sunset. I told her the highlights of my day, and then she offered me some practical suggestions to help me regulate the levels of cortisol in my body (also called stress hormone). the stress hormone). My first goal was to see the sun early at dawn.

Getting Morning Sunlight Improved My Sleep. Here’s Why You Should Start Too: How the morning sun affects your circadian rhythm

Getting Morning Sunlight Improved My Sleep. Here's Why You Should Start Too

Getting Morning Sunlight Improved My Sleep. Here’s Why You Should Start Too. A restful night’s sleep is crucial for our overall well-being. One of the most overlooked factors in getting a good night’s sleep is the exposure to sun early in the morning. There are several advantages to waking up in the sun early each day, for example, increasing the mood and the quality and level of rest. How do you accomplish this? This is a good question; let’s get deep.

It’s impossible to talk about early morning sunshine and better sleeping habits without first considering the issue of our circadian cycle of circadian. It is the circadian rhythm of the body that runs throughout the day. It’s natural to respond to darkness and light, and also dictates when we’re thirsty, how long it takes to are exhausted, and when it’s the right time to get up. Imagine it as an internal clock.

In the words of Johns Hopkins, the SCN (or suprachiasmatic nucleus) is the part in your brain that regulates your sleep/wake cycle. When you wake up, your eyes detect light, and the SCN stimulates the release of cortisol in order to benefit your body. The morning sun aids in regulating your circadian rhythm, as the sunlight signals to your brain and body that it’s time for you to begin the day. As it becomes dark at night, your SCN stimulates the release of Melatonin, which causes you to become tired.

“About a year ago, I started getting sunlight first thing in the morning and at sunset as a means to regulate my circadian rhythm. Since then, I’ve ditched the melatonin and have been getting more quality sleep,” said Micheo.

Getting Morning Sunlight Improved My Sleep. Here’s Why You Should Start Too: Internal clocks are the most dependent on light at three distinct moments in the morning:

  • In the first hour following waking in the morning, once you are exposed to sun and the sun’s rays, your body begins to reduce its production of melatonin (sleepy hormone).
  • Around 2 hours before your bedtime When it begins getting dim outside, your mind gets signals that indicate it’s time for you to slow down and that it’s time to go to sleep.
  • In the night, the darkness continues to send a message to the brain that it is time to stay in a state of sleep.

Getting Morning Sunlight Improved My Sleep. Here’s Why You Should Start Too. You can use the three phases of illumination to regulate the rhythm of your circadian cycle. Studies have shown that exposure to sunlight is not just beneficial for sleep quality but can also help you fall asleep faster. “I always recommend this time-efficient and cost-effective behavioural tool to all my clients and continue getting positive payoff and feedback,” said Micheo.

Data insights on my sleeping quality prior to and after waking up to the sun

I’m a good sleeper. I put my sleep first and typically have sufficient quality sleep to wake feeling energised the next morning. Looking at the data on My Oura Ring (an amazing fitness tracker), My average score for sleep is about the 80 mark (which Oura labels as “good”). Here’s the sleep data I gathered from the night prior to incorporating the sun into my daily routine in the morning.

Getting Morning Sunlight Improved My Sleep. Here's Why You Should Start Too

It’s evident that I managed to get nearly 8 hours of rest. However, I had more wakeups than normal (restfulness). It took me 28 minutes to fall asleep ( 10 to 20 minutes is typical for adults) and I didn’t get as much time in deep sleep..

Getting Morning Sunlight Improved My Sleep. Here’s Why You Should Start Too. The only thing that changed up my morning routine was taking an hour-long walk upon waking. I didn’t have sunglasses or a hat in order to let my eyes be exposed to the sun’s first rays of the morning; however, I did cover my skin by wearing sunblock. If you plan to go out at night and aren’t wearing sunglasses, you’re perfect to wear sunglasses, a hat and apply sunscreen.

I didn’t make any other changes in my nighttime or daytime routine I woke up to this: I got up to:

One of the first things I noticed was that I fell asleep an hour longer and had fewer wake-ups throughout the night. I also stayed longer in deep sleep and it took me just 9 minutes to sleep.

Did I feel different? Apart from feeling slightly more energetic, I did not feel like I had a major shift. It’s a bit surprising to have noticed an improvement in my sleeping quality after only one day of being exposed to the sun’s rays in the morning. Initial outcome are quite encouraging and I’m planning to be able to see the sun most mornings to see if there is an improvement in my sleep quality over time.

A guide to sun therapy in the early morning

Although there’s no one best way to catch daylight in the day, these guidelines will help you make the most of the time you spend in the sunlight:

Getting Morning Sunlight Improved My Sleep. Here's Why You Should Start Too
  • Take a walk within the first hour after awakening. Since your body is the most sensitive to light when you get up, it’s best to enjoy the sun’s rays early in the morning.
  • Make sure you spend at least 30 minutes in the sunshine:According to Harvard Medical School, 30 minutes is the ideal time to be in the sun.
  • Make sure you wear sunscreenWhile it’s true that the ultraviolet radiation of the sun can be less damaging in morning, compared to daylight hours, it’s an excellent idea to shield yourself by wearing sunscreen.
  • Consult your physician:Before trying out light therapy using the sun’s morning rays make sure to talk with your doctor to assure that it’s safe for you.

Tips for getting more sunlight in the early morning

Getting Morning Sunlight Improved My Sleep. Here’s Why You Should Start Too. After having discussed the effects of morning sunlight on the quality of your sleep We’ll look at ways to increase your exposure to sunlight.

  • The sun rises with you: Waking up around the time of sunrise can make a difference in your rest. Try to get up earlier and get the first rays of sunlight to benefit control you circadian rhythm.
  • Open your blinds and curtains One simple way to maximize sunlight in your home is to remove your curtains and blinds. This allows sunlight to grant an ideal signal to wake up your body.
  • Engage in outdoor activities in the morning. Whether you’re taking an strenuous walk or simply stretching out on your patio the natural light and physical exercise can benefit you get ready naturally.
  • Breakfast in an open windows: If your time is short in the morning and you’re unable to get 15 minutes extra to soak in the sun, try making your breakfast or coffee in the vicinity of the window.
  • Make an investment in an energy lamp for light therapy: If you’re not able to get access to sunlight in the natural or live in an area that is prone to overcast conditions, think about an lighting therapy equipment that replicates the range of natural light.

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How can sunlight in the morning increase sleep?

Being exposed to sunlight that is natural in the morning can to regulate the body’s internal clock known as the circadian rhythm. This results in better sleep quality and also helps you feel more awake throughout the day.

What level of sun exposure is required to reap benefits to sleep?

As little as 10 mins of exposure early morning sunlight could have a positive effect on your sleep habits and overall health.

Does exposure to sunlight in the morning alter the production of melatonin? 

Absolutely, the exposure of the morning sunlight reduces the production of Melatonin the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles, resulting in increased alertness during the day as well as more restful sleep at night.

Does morning sun exposure benefit with symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

Yes, consistent exposure to sunlight, particularly in the morning, can benefit relieve signs of the disorder through improving mood and energy levels.

Do you need to be outside to enjoy the morning sun?

While sitting outside is ideal for maximum sun exposure, sitting in front of the window or balcony through which sunlight can enter could impart some benefits in regulating our circadian rhythm.

What happens if I have trouble getting morning sunlight due to my location or schedule?

If you’re in a location where morning sunshine isn’t possible, think about with an energy lamp that is specifically designed to replicate natural sunlight. This can nevertheless benefit control the rhythm of your circadian cycle and rise sleeping patterns.

Is there other health benefits that come with exposure to sunlight in the morning?

Yes, early morning sun exposure has been associated with better mood, greater vitamin D production, as well as improved overall physical and mental overall health.

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